June 26, 2014

From www.breitbart.com

Under laws passed by the Missouri legislature during the last session, numerous school districts in the state are enrolling teachers to be trained in the defensive use of a Glock 19 semi-automatic pistol in the classroom. 

According to Fox News, districts are availing themselves of Shield Solutions training near the Ozarks town of West Plains. These districts pay $17,500 to get "40 hours of training on how to use a Glock 19 semi-automatic pistol for two staffers." 
The goal is to have two armed teachers per participating school. However, the identities of those armed teachers will be known only by "school district administrators and local law enforcement." Protecting the identities of those who will be armed models how the air marshal program has operated since 9/11.
Shield Solutions' founder Greg Martin--a former Missouri Highway Patrol Trooper--highlighted how keeping the armed teachers anonymous will prevent would-be attackers from being certain about where or when to strike. Stating that armed teachers would be "like air marshals on planes," he asked, "How many hijackings have we had since 9/11?"
Martin told The Kansas City Star that the few minutes that pass between a 911 call and the arrival of police during a school attack "is just too long." He said having two armed school personnel on campus at all times can step into that gap. 

A 73-year-old veteran is being threatened with foreclosure unless he pays an $8,000 dollar fine – all for displaying a small American flag in a plant pot outside his Sweetwater, Florida home.
When Larry Murphree placed the stars and stripes in a flower pot on his front porch, he received a letter from the Sweetwater Homeowner’s Association demanding that he pay the huge fine within 30 days or be slapped with a foreclosure lien on his house.
“There’s an actual Florida statute that says he can display this flag,” legal expert Dale Carson told WTEV-47, an opinion backed up by federal law, contradicting claims by the HOA that Murphee is in violation of recently re-written rules concerning flag displays.
Murphee has been battling the HOA over the issue for more than two years, having already filed a lawsuit against the HOA and settled out of court. “They settled that case and I thought that would be the end of it,” said Murphree.
The veteran is vowing to continue the fight until he is left alone.
“I have a right to have it there,” Murphree told First Coast News. “They’ve got a foreclosure on my house that’s why the flag is upside down. (I am) hurt disappointed that they just keep going after the American flag and after me.”
However, if you thought the situation didn’t sound ludicrous enough, it gets worse. Murphee accuses the HOA of creating a bizarre new rule just to target him which bans the placing of “unauthorized objects” in plant pots or foliage.
“Now they’re saying they can say what can go into a flower pot and the American flag is an unauthorized object,” said Murphee.
First Coast News reporter Ken Amaro noted that the flag is “barely noticeable.”
On top of the $8,000 fine for the violation and attorney fees, Murphee is being hit with further penalties of $100 for every day he displays the flag.
Governments and local authorities routinely harass Americans for flying Old Glory on their private property, a chilling illustration of how the United States is actually beginning to resemble a nanny state.
Last week we reported on how a Texan man was told by his apartment manager that he must remove his American flag hanging on his patio because it’s a “threat to the Muslim community.”

From infowars.com
U.N. Gun Confiscation Program Serves As Model For Gun Bans In America

A gun confiscation program developed by the United Nations is the ultimate goal of anti-gun politicians in America.
As reported earlier by Paul Joseph Watson, the U.N. is hiring a “Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Officer” who is responsible for the “collection, documentation, control and disposal of small arms, ammunition, explosives and light and heavy weapons from combatants and often from the civilian population.”
Although the U.N.’s Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) program is currently only active in war-torn regions of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Haiti and the Ivory Coast, numerous U.N.-affiliated politicians are in fact working towards similar gun confiscation programs in America and have even been successful at doing so in certain areas.
During his tenure as mayor in New York City, Michael Bloomberg all but eradicated private gun ownership inside city limits, and gun owners even received notices in the mail last November telling them to surrender their firearms to the police.
He has also pushed for magazine size limits, bans on semiautomatic rifles, “gun-free” zones and ammunition fees, among other draconian restrictions.
But Bloomberg is now working towards the destruction of the Second Amendment in all parts of the country by bankrolling various gun control groups such as Mayors Against Illegal Guns, whichclaims representation in nearly 1,000 cities.
“It did not take long to realize that MAIG’s agenda was much more than ridding felons of illegal guns,” Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Mayor and whistleblower John C. Tkazyik said after leaving the group. “Under the guise of helping mayors facing a crime and drug epidemic, MAIG intended to promote confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens.”
In advocating for firearm bans, MAIG’s mayors routinely describe their inner cities as war-zones no different than the countries targeted by the U.N.’s DDR program.
And it should be pointed out that Bloomberg is also heavily affiliated with the U.N.
In the same vein, President Barack Obama showed his support for an Australian-style gun confiscation program, which has striking similarities to the U.N.’s DDR program, all while claiming that mass shootings in America are “off the charts.”
“Couple of decades ago, Australia had a mass shooting, similar to Columbine or Newtown,” he said. “And Australia just said, well, that’s it, we’re not doing, we’re not seeing that again, and basically imposed very severe, tough gun laws, and they haven’t had a mass shooting since.”
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