January 11, 2021

 The events of January 6th caused mass media and political outrage. Ordinary folks who only listen to legacy media are now being indoctrinated into believing the acts of the few give a snapshot of the mental state of the right. If this was the only civil unrest in recent history it would be shocking. Those who get their news from multiple sources, are aware that the "the peace protests" of last year were not peaceful. The famous CNN live...

September 11, 2019

Sept. 11th, 2001. I was a junior in high school and sitting in history class starting a lesson, when Jessica, a fellow junior burst into the class. She looked in shock. "A plane has crashed into the world trade center!" She yelled. The class was in disbelief at the news of it. Mr. Hill, our teacher, turned on the TV and we watched the events unfold in front of us. We saw in real time the second plane hit. The rest of the school day...

June 25, 2019

Google's attempt to cover up their election meddling crimes will not go unpunished. Download this video and upload it everywhere. ...

June 24, 2019

Undercover video exposes Google insiders discussing how they plan to censor conservatives and rig election in 2020, to favor Democrats. Google whistleblower confirms it. video has been deleted by YouTube. Watch the mirrored video her...

June 18, 2019

Hate Speech doesn't exist.  Speech that calls people to unlawful action, violence, and slander is already unlawful.  Yet, Google, Youtube, Facebook, etc, all enforce hate speech policies that ban users from their platforms. The problem is, these policies are vague and mostly target those who have a different viewpoint or point out lies being told by the Commies and mainstream media. To clarify, when I say Commie, I'm talking about anyone...

June 16, 2019

Commie Representative AOC wants more of your tax dollars and doesn't want to pay for the healthcare of 9/11 heroes. Despicable. Watch and subscribe to the channel below to support more great content...

June 9, 2019

June 8, 1967, starting at 2PM Mediterranean time,  Israel bombed, torpedoed, napalmed and even machine-gunned the lifeboats of the USS Liberty. the USS Liberty, an American spy ship was conducting operations in the eastern Mediterranean. Their mission was to listen in on radio communications, by doing so, heard the Israelis killing prisoners of war and other war crimes. By the end of that day, thirty-five American sailors would be murdered....

June 6, 2019

Laura Southern's new documentary "Borderless", which was released on YouTube two weeks ago and was quickly banned, highlighted the invasion of foreigners into Europe.  From the NGO's that teach the invaders what to say to traffickers who bring them in, the real forces behind the issue wasn't even talked about.  It is also worth noting, that this was Ms. Southern's swansong. She is now retired from public life and with it, she ended her...

June 1, 2019

In the infinite wisdom that drips from the annals of the Federal Government, a ragtag group of elected overlords including a former Navy Seal, wrote and now is promoting a bill that will criminalize thought and remove the property, freedom, and reputation of those who a non-elected group of college un-educated people, deem a hazard to government and secondly, the people. Here's a statement made by one of the tyrants who helped write the T.A.P.S....
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